Maintaining the video's quality while reducing its size is possible. Yes, you heard that right!
It has now become effortless to make video smaller with professional tools that help change different file parameters, including video bit rate, frame rate, video resolution, and cutting inessential parts.
Professional Tools to Make Video Smaller Without Upsetting the Quality
The solution to compressing your video files without compromising on quality will require you to use the compressors mentioned in the list below. These compressors help in shrinking the file size without impacting the video resolution.
Some of the best compressors used to make video smaller by changing the format include:
Final Cut Pro X Compressor
VLC Media Player
VideoSolo Video Converter Ultimate Video Compressor
Freemake Video Converter
Handbrake Video Transcoder
Some compressors are also used to encode videos. This helps in converting digital or analog videos to another digital video format to ensure delivery to a decoder. Decoders approve encoded, compressed video files and decompress them back into the raw form. This means the video compressors have become vital for web-based delivery, including emails, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Different Video Formats and File Type
There are various video formats, such as MP4, .MOV (Apple Quicktime Movie), .AVI (Audio Video Interleave- Microsoft), .WMV (Windows Media Video- Microsoft), and .FLV (Flash Video Format). The best video format to make video smaller and keep the video quality superior is the MP4 file type.
How to Reduce File Size of Videos?
Here are the different ways to reduce the video’s file size:
Compress into a .zip file: One of the most efficient ways of reducing the video file size is to convert it into a zip file. The best part is that it does not degrade the quality, and the task gets completed quickly. Converting all your videos into zip files is available for Windows and Mac users.
Trim the video: You can either split videos into parts or trim dispensable video parts. This will help to shorten your video and shrink its size.
Gauge actions: Extensive transitions in your video, along with fast-paced imagery (animations, wipes, blurs), will keep your file large. But converting your video to MP4 will help solve the heavy file-size issue.
Frame rate (FPS): Always use the frame rate that seems best for your project. Using higher frame rates will not let you reduce the video’s file size.
Use a cloud service: Sharing big video files becomes hassle-free with cloud services, including OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox. Just upload the video file and generate the link by email and share it with your friends or relatives.
Make a GIF: A GIF – a mini video without sound for a few seconds – plays a vital role on social media as it helps you save a lot of space.
Final Verdict
Choosing what will suit you the most depends on why you want to make the video smaller and the platform you want to use that video for. Let us know if compressed videos work for you!