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  • Writer's pictureJoe Martin

Which are the Metrics that Decide the Success of a Facebook Story?

Updated: Dec 9, 2021

Facebook is one of the most well-known social media platforms today. If you are familiar with the platform, you will know that one of their newer features is stories. You can share any news with a 24-hour time frame, thus encouraging viewers to watch it before it disappears.

Facebook stories provide a new way to connect with your audience. Stories are snappy, which makes them extremely attention-grabbing for the audience. Regardless of its attractive interface, sometimes Facebook stories are not as successful as one may hope for. There are a few factors that affect it, let’s have a look:

  1. Niche audience

Facebook, with such a large audience, has its pros and cons. The pros are its enormous potential reach. The cons are that because it has such a vast reach, everyone is attempting to take advantage of this, making it a sea of content. Thus, it is very easy for your story to drown in the sea of content. According to the numbers, the algorithm generates 1,500 organic stories an average user can see with every login. This number is minuscule compared to the story posted every day. This can heavily affect the success of your Facebook story. Many content creators target a niche audience to combat this issue. This tactic has been effective and immediately increases the success of stories.

  1. Type of content

Facebook allows users to upload 20-second long videos, whereas photos play for only 5 seconds on stories. Video stories allow you to hold the audience’s attention longer. Since videos take more effort to create, they are not posted as much. This is why when one uploads a video story, they have an advantage when grabbing watchers’ attention. Adding aesthetic transitions and designs to the story further pushes stories towards success. When videos are paired with trending content, the views are multiplied. Stories like this compel viewers to rewatch and even spread the story.

  1. Audience engagement

Is your audience engaging with your Facebook story? Understanding this is extremely vital. Facebook stories can be pictures or videos, but there is more. Facebook offers various customizing tools to prompt audience engagement. You can add stickers, GIFs, share your feelings and comments, tag friends and location, even ask questions or hold polls. Utilizing these tools has proven to tremendously boost audience interaction.

  1. Timing

There is a time and place for everything. The same goes for your Facebook stories. There is a perfect time to post stories. During this time, your stories should get the most viewers and audience interaction. Post at various times of the day for a few weeks to find which story timings tend to have the most views. Once established, continue posting at that time to ensure the success of the stories.

Facebook stories have incredible potential. Remember, audience feedback takes time, so it is important to be consistent. Posting regularly, keeping the factors above in mind will ensure that your Facebook stories and your account are successful.

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